07 August, 2010

Twitter down

The world keeps turning when Twitter is down.

But what do we lose? One less distraction?

Social Networking in Plain English

From the archives

A little family christening in Spain

A wander through the archives

Some great footage from yesteryear...and the fundamentals of editing remain :)
The wedding

Australian Retailers: Are Your Promotions Really Promoting Your Brand? | Nielsen Wire

For the marketing students amongst us... market research in motion is a good thing!
Australian Retailers: Are Your Promotions Really Promoting Your Brand? | Nielsen Wire

5 not-so-easy steps to managing your brand online | VentureBeat

This is why professional Australian sporting bodies need to seriously consider refining their token engagement with social media technologies, if they don't want to double their workload down the line.
5 not-so-easy steps to managing your brand online | VentureBeat

6 Ways to Waste Your Time on Social Media | Social Media Today

Seriously guilty of a couple of these this week. The things we do in the name of research :)
6 Ways to Waste Your Time on Social Media | Social Media Today

50 Tips Granny Never Told You about Twitter & Social Media Etiquette | Social Media Today

Saw this and thought it was great, so figured it's time to share...

50 Tips Granny Never Told You about Twitter & Social Media Etiquette | Social Media Today

05 August, 2010


Is a fascinating sphere. It has it's own language, protocols, social norms and yet anyone can join. That is anyone with access to a web-enabled device with keyboard or e-version of one.

Twitter-quette question of the day:

If someone follows you, should you follow them back? Or is that just asking for feed timeline meltdown?

Exploring the Ecosystem

I have spent the past six months or so (among other things) researching the global online ecosystem. Not playing games and creating false personas, but scanning, RSS'ing, tweeting, direct messaging and discovering the infinite possibilities the world wide web enables for not only learning, but engagement.

I am now directly connected with people I have never met in the United States of America, England, even my capital Canberra - for reasons only they know, but presumably because we share an interest in social media and marketing.

The researcher in me is eager to discover how these new relationships will evolve in an ecosystem, where most still fear to tread beyond email, or their corporate website, or facebook where they are surrounded by friends.

The online world is frenetic. There is so much to see and do. So much being said and so much you could say. But how?

Blogging is a great way to find your online voice.

As the world wide web is all about the exchange of information, here are a couple of operational issues or errors encountered along the way:

  • Posting too soon and having to endure typos and poor sentence structure :)
  • How to delete feeds to your Google Reader that you no longer need or want, but is still persistently clogging up your inbox?
  • The dilemma of choosing and using open source software to serve what purposes? Do I really need it, or am I just getting carried away in the new media tsunami?
  • Privacy - where and how to create it online?