24 May, 2011

Convergence at its best: Beyonce style

Beyonce raises the bar yet again re: what constitutes best performance for generation next at the 2011 Billboard Awards
Is there anything this woman can't do? Enjoy.

23 May, 2011

Changing nature of media production and consumption in sport

As I revisit stumblings by high profile Australian athletes around the micro-blogging social media platform Twitter for the purposes of my current research, I look with fresh eyes at the Faggot Tweet: Sponsors Speak scandal of last year.

Refreshingly, my position on the relevance of context and content remains unchanged. If anything, I would further jump up and down on my strategic communicators tool box with the intention of seeing more support given to our elite athletes in navigating the new media channels.

In order for this to happen however, it's the administrators and communications professionals who need to stop. listen and learn from the tech team. It's the marketing communications leaders who need to patiently stumble through diciphering the tech team's codes and 'geek jargon', just as they have had to endure our homage to the acronym for the past 20 years.

People and business fundamentals haven't changed, technologies have. And with technology, new communications platforms have been consumed by information-hungry individuals and groups as the nature of association and information gathering has become more social. By this, I mean a global sharing process.

Not surprisingly, this change in the production and consumption of information now brings new, global and dynamic communications channels into the structured and controlled environment of corporate entities. This embedded disconnect does not have to be detrimental to the evolving relationship between corporate, team and individual brands, it just requires an entirely new approach which permits key players to not always get it right.

Stumbling isn't a problem for those businesses with strong key stakeholder engagement and support. So maybe the evolution towards transparency of communications through technology and the inherent nature of the new communications environment in the business of international sport, is more reflective of the health of key partner relationships than anything to actually do with sport performance.

While this is a sentence I never thought I'd write, it is undeniable, that when it comes to intra-organisational social media engagement in sport, the UFC is streaks ahead of the professional sporting pack.

Why football wants to ban Twittering...

Why football wants to ban Twittering...

If you love good sport, the code shouldn't matter

I hate cricket, but when I see a great catch, or someone caught behind I love the art  and skill of it. Why? Sport is a cultural product, and irrespective of the type or title, when performed by experts is nothing short of art in motion.

Sport creates a universe all of its own. A world with its own language, model citizens, groups and behaviours. Not all of them good or beneficial by traditional standards, but logical and intrinsic to the way that particular sport and its players and supporters have evolved.

If I was Matilda the Martian just landed in Oz around awards time, I'd think all footballers wore penguin suits at functions, wives and girlfriend's dress sense played a significant factor in the performance of cricket and AFL players and that AFL and Rugby league were by far the biggest sports in the world.

I wouldn't know that rugby league and union struggle with weekly crowd attendances, player contract renegotiations, media ownership and sponsorships. That football refers to the round-balled code, it's supporters cruising along to a tribal beat all of their own!

If I was Matilda the Martian, just arrived at the Sydney Football Stadium, Australia, I'd probably watch a game of rugby union in action with my telepathic-controlled lasers drawn, ready to defend myself within this formalised code of war. Either way, I'd certainly have a direct insight into the hearts, minds and spirits of the Australian consumer, because according to Kotler, Kartajaya and Setiawan(2010) in Marketing 3.0 - that's what the next generation of marketing is all about.